A Clinical Study of Dehydration, Dyselectrolytemia, Hyperthermia and Azotemia among Neonates Admitted to Tertiary Care Centre
Journal of Pregnancy and Neonatal Medicine is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal that focuses on the publication of research developments in the various aspects of fertility, pregnancy, child birth and neonatal care.
The scope of the journal includes novel research developments regarding pregnancy, management of signs and symptoms of pregnancy, Alpha fetoprotein, Fallopian tubes, Hydrocephalus, Pregnancy week by week, High risk pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancy, Fetal assessment, Caesarean section delivery, Neonatal care, Neonatal nursing, New born surgery, Neonatal apnea and Neonatal care injuries.
Submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review. Submitted articles will be typically peer reviewed and published within 10-15 days after acceptance. Prior to publication, the final version of the edited article will be sent to authors for approval. Authors must check for accuracy of all content at this time.
Our Journal is successfully running volume 4 with a large number of from around the world.
The journal welcomes manuscripts that highlight diagnosis and management of critical Neonatal injuries, High risk infant, Erythroblastosis fetalis, and Breech presentation, Pre-mature birth and Neonatal survival. Articles showcasing exegesis of neonatal intensive care unit, hospital new-born care services and management of obstetrical trauma are solicited.
Ruby Catherine,
Journal Manager,
Editing team,
London, UK
Journal of Pregnancy and Neonatal Medicine
Whatsapp: +3225889658